Blackfriars' Marketing

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Time to plan that Black Friday shopping tour

In just under two weeks, most of us will be trying to recover from too much turkey, stuffing, and pecan pie. But many of us -- usually the more hardy females of our species -- will be hitting the stores early in the morning for the best deals of the season. Yes, two weeks from today is (ominous music goes here) Black Friday, typically the biggest shopping day of the year.

Now you could wait until the Thanksgiving newspaper arrives to to do your Black Friday planning, but that would put a serious crimp in your football watching. And besides, newspapers are so twentieth century.

The twenty-first century solution is, of course, to use the Internet to do your Black Friday planning. And the place to begin is at Black Friday Ads - The OFFICIAL Site for the Hottest Day of the Year. Yes, this site actually posts scans of all the Black Friday advertisements that have been purloined fallen off a truck on their ways to the printers.

And a quick glance through the Best Buy circular does show some pretty interesting deals, such as a 42-inch LCD TV for $999 and a Toshiba 50-inch plasma TV for $1699. Both of these prices are exceptional for their sizes of flat panels, and both deals are only good until noon Friday (i.e., they are loss leaders to get people into the store ASAP), but those are the deals everyone wants to know about to do their planning. And the $15 Motorola Bluetooth headset isn't a bad deal either.

And by the way, today's New York Times notes that Today's New York Times notes that isn't the only deal in town for planning your Black Friday shopping:

...There are a number of Web sites that troll online stores checking prices. Sometimes called shopbots, these sites are a necessary tool if you are trying to find the lowest prices.

The best of them allow you to rank the prices, give ratings on the stores and compute what the real cost will be after shipping and taxes. Some of the more popular bots are,, or Others, like,,, and try to find temporary promotions that knock down the price.

Do not forget’s Black Friday list. It is back again this year scooping the retailers on the deals they will be offering the day after Thanksgiving by obtaining advance copies of the preprinted Sunday newspaper advertising circulars. You can find it at where it has already posted information on the discounts at BestBuy, Circuit City, KB Toys, Sears and OfficeMax.

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