Blackfriars' Marketing

Friday, November 09, 2007

Another goose for Apple holiday sales: video rentals

According to, iTunes 7.5 sports text strings that indicate it will support video rentals. Now of course, these strings may just be the result of someone including the wrong sources in the compile, but more likely, Apple has video rentals queued up for release before the holidays, but after the European iPhone launch, which T-Mobile started at midnight CET, but won't officially begin in the UK until 1802 GMT or 1:02 pm EST/10:02 am PST for we American types.

We've been predicting that Apple was going to provide digital video rentals for about five months now. It will be nice when we can move that prediction to the "Product released" column. But it will also give a nice bump to Apple TV sales over the holidays, which we had also predicted would remain low until this release.

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