Blackfriars' Marketing

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

iPhones leading Wall Street Journal's gift list

After noting that flat panel TV sellers are trying to convince consumers to upgrade their TVs this holiday season, The Wall Street Journal started a poll of what's on consumer gift lists. The poll allows readers to choose one of the following:

  1. Flat panel TV

  2. iPhone

  3. Compact camera

  4. SLR camera

  5. Blackberry

  6. Zune

  7. DS Lite

  8. GPS navigator

Surprisingly, especially given that this was all started by an article on flat panel TVs, iPhones are currently taking the #1 spot with 52% of votes, with Blackberries ranking a distant second spot with 19% of votes. And even more surprising, Zunes are tied for third with GPS navigators, each with 8% of the vote so far.

It will be interesting to see if that proportion changes overnight, but at present, iPhone interest for the holidays seems to be much higher than I would have expected.

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