Jellyfish reinvents the shopping experience for the Attention Economy
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Today, eCommerce shopping engine Jellyfish has launched a pay-per-action ad network with a truly innovative twist for the attention economy: Jellyfish splits the ad revenue it receives on a transaction with the buying consumer. In essense, Jellyfish is paying consumers for their attention to their ads through cash-back incentives.
This is a beyond cool idea. Scott Karp over at Publishing 2.0 has figured this out as well. It's a complete rethinking of how advertising revenues should flow in an environment where attention is scarce instead of plentiful. We wrote earlier this week about Google's test of pay per action advertising, but this concept takes it all a step further. Welcome back to Internet time. Let's hope Jellyfish is on Google's radar for acquisition, particularly as it prepares to launch its GPay payment system; Jellyfish is a big deal, and it is a company Google should be working with rather than against.
Full disclosure: I have no positions or relationship with Google or Jellyfish.
Technorati Tags: Ad networks, Business, eCommerce, Google, Internet, Marketing, Opinion, Publishing 2.0, Jellyfish