Apple WWDC keynote plays as expected
Last week I noted that everyone should ramp down expectations of seeing new iPods or media deals at Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference this week, since doing so would waste those announcements on a less-than-optimal audience.
Well, the keynote is now over, and it played as I predicted. We got new dual-dual-core (yes, that's right, quad processor) Mac Pros, dual-dual-core XServes, and a lot of new details on Apple's new OS, Leopard, coming next spring to a Mac near you. Yes, there were cool little surprises, like the new Time Machine feature for versioning every file on your system.
I'm sure we'll hear more about lots of these cool Leopard features as its release gets closer (remember, it's still as much as nine to twelve months away -- spring 2007 covers a lot of ground). But Steve Jobs' reality distortion field seems to still be working well. Who else would make backup and restore sound sexy?
Technorati Tags: Apple, Leopard, Mac OS X, Mac Pro, Xserve, Steve Jobs, Time Machine