Blackfriars' Marketing

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Leopard's wireless networking fix and better restart dialog

I just downloaded the new 10.5.1 Leopard update, and in the process, noticed that the restart dialog now actually gives you the opportunity to select "Not Now." That's just another one of those refreshing little upgrade tweaks that make me pleased to be running Leopard.

Oh, the wireless networking bug I had now appears to be gone on my laptop. Creating a new location and populating all the DNS info from scratch appears to have fixed my prior connectivity issues. The only two problems I have left are:

1. The Airport Utility still can't see our Airport Snow Base Station, and
2. My airport signal strength is down two bars from where it was on Tiger.

Both of those issues go away if I boot into Tiger. Now, I'm going to see if 10.5.1 fixes those too.

UPDATE: Grrrr. Rebooting with the 10.5.1 update brought my networking problems back. Bummer.

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