Blackfriars' Marketing

Sunday, February 19, 2006

BlogBurst helps newspapers cut through the tyranny of too many blogs

I wrote last month about that fact that blogs are eroding the business value of newspapers. But newspapers aren't dumb; some of them have decided that they can capitalize on democratized content creation by using blog content. But how should they get that content? Do they really have to sift through every blog trying to find the good stuff?

Enter BlogBurst. Blogburst sifts through blogs that register themselves and sorts the content for the newspapers. It cuts down what we call the tyranny of too much for the newspaper editors and reporters who are on deadline. It gives blog writers more exposure and a greater likelihood that they'll break into the A-list. Everyone wins, especially if the newspapers actually pay as BlogBurst's business model requires.

We'll have to see if this model scales, though. This is a system that works great with 100 or 1,000 blogs, but collapses under its own weight with 100,000 or a million blogs. No editor or reporter is going to wade through a reading list of 1,000 entries, but that could easily happen with big categories like News and Opinion or Technology. If that happens, editors will go back to reading or

My suggestion to BlogBurst: take a page out of Web 2.0 and allow members of the newspaper community to vote feeds and stories up and down in the rankings. Otherwise, a successful BlogBurst could do just that -- burst.

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