Sony preannounces PS3 and pays the price
Not surprisingly, Sony ignored my advice from yesterday and decided to try to prove that the PS3 wasn't vaporware with a press conference yesterday two days prior to the opening of E3. Full coverage of the press conference . And the Wall Street Journal today has a detailed analysis of the renewed competition between Sony and Microsoft looming over the next six months..
Overall, things went about as I suggested, with Sony talking about how the next generation of gaming starts with them and showing off their new motion-sensitive controller, which is a nod to Nintendo's innovation there. But Sony provided too much detail about what they are shipping and for how much, in my opinion. Further, Sony says that there will be playable games on the floor, which I think is a huge mistake. And not surprisingly, journalists such as those at Kokatu and at the Guardian are already reacting negatively, either saying the launch is screwed up or that there is nothing new.
You'd think that after being beaten by Steve Jobs in digital music that Sony would learn that pre-announcing products is about as effective as pre-announcing a surprise attack. It shouldn't be surprised if Microsoft now takes note of where Sony is heading and launches some programs to further erode its lead. That's the price of Sony's quick headlines at its event yesterday; I don't think it was anywhere close to worth it.
Overall, things went about as I suggested, with Sony talking about how the next generation of gaming starts with them and showing off their new motion-sensitive controller, which is a nod to Nintendo's innovation there. But Sony provided too much detail about what they are shipping and for how much, in my opinion. Further, Sony says that there will be playable games on the floor, which I think is a huge mistake. And not surprisingly, journalists such as those at Kokatu and at the Guardian are already reacting negatively, either saying the launch is screwed up or that there is nothing new.
You'd think that after being beaten by Steve Jobs in digital music that Sony would learn that pre-announcing products is about as effective as pre-announcing a surprise attack. It shouldn't be surprised if Microsoft now takes note of where Sony is heading and launches some programs to further erode its lead. That's the price of Sony's quick headlines at its event yesterday; I don't think it was anywhere close to worth it.
Technorati Tags: Communication, Games, Gaming, Marketing, Playstation 3, Strategy, XBox 360