Blackfriars' Marketing

Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's Memorial Day weekend; are iPhones browsing your Web site?

A tip of the hat to Anders Brownworth, who noted that he has seen the tell-tale signs of iPhones browsing his site in his web logs. Mac Rumors appears to have broken the story about 6 pm yesterday, noting that you should look for the following signatures in your Web logs:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A538a Safari/419.3

I took a look through the last few days of logs, but was disappointed not to find any telltale traces. But when I looked back at the whole month of May, bingo! I found 23 accesses to our site from iPhones.

Some quick observations: the software version does change over time, as does the IP address. Combine the fact that many Mac Web sites are now reporting logs with iPhones browsing them and the fact that some iPhone pictures are showing up on the Web, and you get some pretty convincing evidence that a few Apple employees (and the President of West Texas A&M University, Dr. Patrick O'Brien) have working iPhones and are actually using them.

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