Blackfriars' Marketing

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stop the "Sue Apple for cutting prices" madness

I'm finding it hard to believe my eyes, but when reading the comments over at Ars Technica about how Apple's iTunes is offering more iTunes Plus DRM-free music for $0.99, one sub-meme that seems to keep popping up is that people should sue for refunds.

Excuse me? Do people sue Kellogg for refunds when Kellogs' Cocoa Krispies go on sale at Shaw's for $1.88 instead of their regular price of $3.99? That price cut is more than 50%, whereas Apple's reduction of $1.29 to $0.99 is only 25%. And people want to sue because they are going to pay less? Is this still America?

I, for one, welcome our new $0.99 DRM-free music masters. And there's clearly a marketing opportunity for Apple to institute a member-based price protection scheme for its customers similar to that provided by Amazon or Target (By the way, those of you who like to take advantage of those price-protection policies should know about sites like, which I discovered through But meanwhile, I think Apple customers should get used to Apple products decreasing in price. It's certainly happened with every Apple product I've owned, and I expect it to continue happening. And even with those "losses", they'll still have a lot more money in their pockets than hiring a lawyer.

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