Blackfriars' Marketing

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

iPhone browsing market share demonstrates usability drives use

Net Applications reports that in November 2007, iPhone browsing market share was 0.09% -- nearly 0.1% -- of all browsers in their sample. Now that may not seem like much until you compare it with the share for all Windows Mobile/Windows CE devices, which only tip the scales at 0.06%. Said another way, the approximately 2.5 million iPhones sold to date are being used about five times more than the nearly 7 million Windows Mobile phones sold over the past six years.

Don't think this usability matters? SAP does; it is delivering its new CRM package to iPhones ahead of more business-oriented phones like RIM's Blackberry. And I think that's smart -- after all, SAP is simply targeting the platform that gets used more on the Web. And usability drives use.

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