Blackfriars' Marketing

Monday, September 19, 2005

Nintendo steals the Tokyo Game Show with its new Revolution controller

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Despite all the money being spent by Microsoft and Sony on their next generation consoles, Nintendo may have stolen their thunder this week in Tokyo by announcing their new Revolution controller. IGN has posted a video that they got from the Tokyo Games Show that shows the new Nintendo Revolution controller in action.

I haven't put the link in the title page because many browsers seem to interpret it as a porn site address. The proper procedure to view the video is as follows:

  1. Copy this URL:

  2. Launch a copy of Quicktime Player

  3. Tell Quicktime Player to open a URL

  4. Paste the URL into the open URL dialog box

  5. Enjoy.

One of the impressive thing about the video is that while it emphasizes users over technology. The video is really all about what can be done with this new product, not what is in it. It's an example of benefits-based marketing at its finest.

Kudos to Nintendo for thinking deeply about the gaming experience and recognizing that the user interface, not the graphics, was the biggest opportunity to differentiate its games from the other major consoles. And since the Nintendo Revolution is really the only platform where developers can reliably expect this advanced controller, it should draw a new cadre of developers to what many have been viewing as a third-place platform, even though it sells at quantities comparable to XBox. If the actual games and products are anywhere close to what is shown in this video, Nintendo may have pose a serious threat to its big-spending competitors.