Blackfriars' Marketing

Monday, December 10, 2007

14th Street Apple Store opening leads to near riot?

Kenn Marks over at was at the New York 14th Street Apple Store opening on Friday while we were enjoying our first skiing and boarding of the season out at Wachusett Mountain. And what an opening it was; Kenn observes that unlike the typical well-behaved crowds, this one had line jumpers, pushing, shoving, and generally unruly crowd behavior. What was everyone jockeying for? Some posters and chances to win some gear. Kind of sad.

Pro photographer Mark Forman has some great photos of the event, including the spectacular glass and stainless steel spiral staircase that is the 14th Street store's hallmark. That said, I'm glad I wasn't there; I really don't like crowds of that magnitude. But looking back at the predictions of failure bandied about when Apple opened its first store in 2001, who'd have ever thought that Apple store openings in 2007 would draw crowds like rock concerts? And with 40 new stores planned for 2008, including one in Beijing, I doubt the crowds are going to thin any time soon.

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