Fantastic presentations and provocative ideas at TEDTalks
Regular readers know we are huge fans of great presentations. Yesterday, someone pointed me to the BMW-sponsored videos of the Technology, Education, and Design (TED) conference from February 2006. Videos up so far include Al Gore, Sir Ken Robinson, Majora Carter, David Pogue, Tony Robbins, and Hans Rosling. I've only seen two so far, but in my opinion they are uniformly wonderful. I highly recommend Hans Rosling's presentation, who truly has the ability to make data about global economics and health live and breathe through visuals. And Tony Robbins, the life coach guru, is also truly wonderful, largely without visuals.
Of the presentations I've seen this year, these rank at the very top. They are time well-spent. And best of all they are free. And should you wish to listen rather than watch them, they are also available for downloading in iTunes for use on your iPod.
Of the presentations I've seen this year, these rank at the very top. They are time well-spent. And best of all they are free. And should you wish to listen rather than watch them, they are also available for downloading in iTunes for use on your iPod.
Technorati Tags: Communication, Presentations, TEDTalks, TED