Blackfriars' Marketing

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Long-tail mania arrives

We have written quite a bit in this blog about Chris Andersen's upcoming book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. Well, the book will be out Tuesday, and it is getting noticed everywhere now. In my reading of today's newspapers, I spotted no fewer than three citations: one in the business section of the New York Times, and both an article and a review in the Wall Street Journal. If the pre-publication buzz is any indication, this is going to be a very hot book; they've already printed 150,000 copies, and it isn't even out yet. I predict this is going to be the business book on airplanes (and on workaholic-populated beaches) for the next few months. Of course, from a marketing point of view, it doesn't hurt to have both a long Wired magazine article and a Web site talking about the book for two years before it hits bookshelves.

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